The NRA’s evil endgame?

June 9, 2022 In our guts, it still feels like yesterday. On May 24, a gunman obliterated the lives of nineteen fourth graders and two adults at Robb Elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. He used an AR-15 he bought legally on his eighteenth birthday. As the nation waits to hear whether the Senate will approveContinue reading “The NRA’s evil endgame?”

Star-Spangled Healing

November 16, 2020 No matter whom you voted for, there’s enough anger, frustration, and exhaustion to go around. Voters who cast their ballots against Biden–those who couldn’t digest the left chanting, “Defund the police,” for example–are keeping their eyes on the Crackerjack prize. Talk to many of 45’s voters and they’ll tell you: They’re wellContinue reading “Star-Spangled Healing”